Haptic Flooring for Theme Park Attractions

What makes a theme park experience meaningful is whether it means something to you. Not only narratively, musically, visually, emotionally, but physically. Tactilely. Powerful experiences require powerful sensation. 

TacTILE uses low-frequency vibration for floor-based sensation in theme parks. Whether it’s the rumble of a spaceship engine, the earth-shaking footsteps of a dinosaur, or the power of a supernatural force, TacTILE makes the magic real. 

Its modular tile system is fully scalable, so no matter how big the attraction, TacTILE has it covered. The vibrotactile sensation is customisable across each individual tile, so theme park designers can finetune an experience for maximum immersivity. 

Inspired by raised access flooring, TacTILE is compliant with the UK and USA’s raised floor safety regulations regarding load capacity. This, plus its simple electronics and straightforward installation, sets it apart from other haptic flooring solutions. 

India is a design engineer, writer, and aspiring theme park designer. More of her work can be found on her website.


India Hay


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