About 65%-78% of the spinal cord injury community experience some level of spasticity, which is the uncontrolled tightening or contracting of the muscles. It causes extreme discomfort, severely impacting the lives of those affected.

The most effective way to reduce spasms is to stretch the muscles regularly, however it is extremely difficult to do that without control of the legs. Thorough research into current user’s stretching routines found that there were no similar products on the market for independent stretching.

The Stretch Assistant is a portable, mechanical leg brace that helps paraplegics safely and independently stretch their legs.

The device is designed to slide on from the front of the users leg, while they are sat in their wheelchair, and is operated in the same manner for either leg. The use of a ratchet strap, pulling a short lever, connected to the lower leg frame, provides the appropriate advantage to allow the user to lift their leg, and hold it in place. The device allows for 14 various angles of extension, for users with varying flexibilities and has straps that allow the user to pull their foot towards them, and their upper body forwards, to intensify the stretch. Design details ensure safe and easy operation. The device would come in a small medium and large, each with a range of adjustability for maximum comfort.

User Journey

Slide the device on to the leg

Fasten the velcro straps to secure the leg

When satisfied with the stretch, pull the release clip on the ratchet handle and support the lowering of the leg with the lever handles.

Slide the device on to the leg

Pull the ratchet handle back to straighten the leg. Use the lever handles if needed to support extension.

Gabe Skeoch

Use one hand to lift leg slightly and use the other hand to slide the large strap under the leg.

When the leg is at the desired angle of extension, use the long straps to pull the foot plate back, stretching the calf/pulling the body over the legs, and intensifying the stretch overall.

Gabe Skeoch


10 Page Summary