
As the world accelerates towards carbon neutrality, the future opens up.

A future beyond fossil_fuel consumption and the failing structures of late capitalism. Twenty years from now, we will be entering a new era. The post_fossil_age. Where the act of energy_generation extends beyond the purely functional and into the worlds of expression, activism and empowerment. With this new world comes the opportunity to reform and rebuild the systems of energy generation and distribution to fit a new_model. To do this, the right tools are needed. The post_fossil_toolkit provides a flexible, means of sustainable energy production to urban community centres and autonomous spaces, without reliance on ridged infrastructure or profit driven industry. Fully de_constructible, modular generation_units use emerging renewable energy technologies to equip the public to work against the broken modes of capital_driven production and the ecological_damage done by fossil_capitalism.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Jay van den Hoven