This project tackles the current problems within the funeral industry, including a lack of burial space in urban areas, the environmental damage caused by cremation and high costs for families.

It focuses on body composting, a process which transforms the deceased into soil. The body is placed inside a vessel, surrounded by sawdust and interred into a chamber. This provides the perfect environment for naturally occurring microbes to break down what was once you with aeration and slow rotation.

The chambers and their glowing doors make up the future cemetery, one which is situated in the city and simplifies the current funeral process. Families can visit this site and, using an interface, are able to memorialise the identity of their loved ones through the glow of gentle light. After around six weeks when the composting process is complete, they can collect the fertile soil to keep or have it donated to a Scottish National Park.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Morven Graham
