RKORD is an intuitive multitrack recorder designed to help musicians learn the basics of music production. By reducing the complexity and cost involved in setting up a home-studio, RKORD allows users to explore their musical creativity without investing a lot of time and money.

Musicians can record up to eight individual looping tracks that layer together to create a song. The product features optional on-board microphones and speakers to allow musicians to simply switch on RKORD and starting recording - no “plugging-in” necessary.

Music is a universal language that can and should be enjoyed by anyone. RKORD brings the fun of making music to people who may have previously been intimidated by existing tools and gives them an opportunity to develop their skills and understanding using this approachable, easy-to-use device.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Colette Marshall
