
The occurrence of nearsightedness in the US has increased 66% in 30 years with a correlation being drawn to longer times engaging in close focusing activities such as reading or screen use. It is recommended that for every 20 minutes screen use you should take a 20 seconds break to prevent this damage.

Eyetopia is a toy used to encourage children to take breaks during continuous periods of screen time so as to prevent this damage. This product aims to do that by interfacing with an application on a mobile device and notifying the user to engage in the toy by a series of games.

Eyetopia contains a speaker, accelerometer, gyroscope, LED ring and buttons. This allows for a series of motion style games for the user to play whilst giving minimal visual output: this encourages the user to divert their focus to further distances around the room.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Fara Stringfellow
